A downloadable game for Windows

The Brothers using cool uniforms are fighting by throwing ball to each other. Awkward brother uses adventurer uniform and shabby brother uses dwarf uniform. Sometimes Papa Gladiator comes to stop whoever he gets to calm them down, but he can't stay for long. Be one of the brother and beat your friend who is using the other brother! Show 'em who rules!

2-player local Multiplayer Game. An arcade to hit your friend and get score as many as possible before the time runs out.

Controller :
P1/P2 ===== Action
Up/W : Jump
Down/S : Duck
Left/A : Run left
Right/D : Run right
Slash/C : Throw ball

Get the white ball, but don't let the red-crossed ball hit you. Wait for the red-crossed ball to turn back to white to pick it up again.
You can only hold 1 ball.
Remember to not let Papa Gladiator hold you in the middle and beat your friend before the time runs out!

Gitlab link to this project : https://gitlab.com/edward.partogi/bolgeb.git

------ Credits ------

- Kenney (https://www.kenney.nl/assets/kenney-fonts) for the font assets
- Elthen (https://elthen.itch.io/) for the character assets

Created with Godot Engine 3.1.1

by Edward Partogi Gembira Abyatar © 2019

Rated 4.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)


BolGeb v1.3.zip 11 MB
BolGeb.zip 11 MB

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